CSSL Conducts Mangrove Restoration in Yawri Bay, Coastal Sierra Leone

The Conversation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL), in collaboration with GREENLIFE West Africa (GLWA), are actively working to decrease mangrove degradation and enhance the status of the Yawri Bay marine ecosystem. Supported by the Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility (BNCFF), 50 hectares of degraded mangrove areas in four communities (Ribbimen, Morchail, Moyambe, and Gbankoh) have been successfully restored. The restoration exercise took place from July 25 to August 1, 2024, during which 285,000 seedlings were planted with the facilitation of CSSL.

Restoration Activity in Moyambe

Community members were fully engaged in the planting exercise, from consultation and site selection to land preparation and direct planting of propagules.

During the community engagement, participants expressed profound gratitude to CSSL and BNCFF for choosing their communities as beneficiaries of the restoration project. They were unwavering in their commitment to collaborate with CSSL and GREENLIFE West Africa to achieve the project’s objectives.

Emphasizing the crucial role of community participation, Mr. Said Sesay of the Moyambe community declared that involving communities from the beginning of the restoration exercise would not only promote increased community participation in mangrove planting but also foster local ownership and long-term sustainability.

The restoration exercise concluded with extensive post-planting engagements with the communities, aimed at reflecting on the exercise and gathering their perceptions.

Restoration Activity in Ribbimen

Madam Kadiatu Koroma, a farmer in Ribbimen, expressed her deep appreciation to the project partners for emphasizing the importance of mangroves and restoration efforts. She urged community members to take on the role of local monitors to ensure the long-term survival of the planted seedlings.

Headman Alusine Koroma of Ribbimen firmly called upon the communities to take full responsibility for monitoring the 285,000 planted mangroves and ensuring their survival. He pledged to personally advise his people against any actions that could harm the planted mangroves, asserting his commitment to preserving their hard work.

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