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Communications for Development

With over 12 years of experience engaging stakeholders and managing Communications for Development (C4D) projects in West Africa, GREENLIFE WA manages multi-country, multidisciplinary teams with experience addressing environmental and health issues. We produce and disseminate knowledge products to diverse stakeholders.
GREENLIFE WA is involved in:
- Producing and broadcasting radio dramas and call-in shows
- Producing video documentaries
- Developing websites (knowledge management systems)
- Developing and implement communications strategies
- Managing social media platforms
- Organizing high level events
- Designing and printing banners, posters, brochures, billboards and more
Example: Developed the Environmental Knowledge Management System (EKMS) for the Environmental Protection Agency in Liberia (EPA). The EKMS is helping EPA and 18 relevant ministries, agencies and NGOs share information online to better coordinate their response to environmental issues.